Keaton at Provo Temple

Keaton at Provo Temple

Thursday, July 10, 2014

First Letter! June 25, 2014

June 25, 2014

Hey Mom,

So turns out, we "can't" write letters home on the first day, at least not online letters. Don't expect more paper letters unless I can't reach a computer. First day at the MTC was pretty good. Got to meet my companion, Elder Bateman. He's a great elder from Washington State. He's saying he's most nervous about the summers in Chicago, which is interesting since I'm most terrified at the winter! I wouldn't say I learned a lot, since most of my day just included introductions and being lost in the cobweb layout of the MTC. But I am more comfortable here.

In Mark 5:36 it says in a small excerpt " not afraid, only believe..." I love that. We must trust in the Lord with all intents and forget about the doubts and fear through the Holy Spirit we can be guided by our faith.

I love you Mom, and you'll be in my prayers,
Elder Montgomery

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